Log Book:

2 feb 2023: Created my website! It's only the bearest of bones with some super basic HTML right now, but I hope to learn enough to get this place looking and running nicely one day :)
3 feb 2023: Added paragraph for when i created, updated, and visited this site last. I hope to automate this process eventually (or just have an update log and mention somewhere on the site when it was first created? We'll see).
- Added update log! I also added fake little updates for my last two changes (creating the website and adding the update paragrpah). I hope to eventually have a designated box for this log, but until I figure that out a list will have to do :) I also added a few things to the list of things to do just for the joy of it.
- A lot of tweaking here and there to the HTML I set up earlier. Gonna research a litle bit about what CSS is and see if I can't get some color on this website. After all, what's the point of having your own space if you can't decorate it?!
4 feb 2023: Dipping my toes into CSS!!! I only have some basic colors and layout changes set up rn, but when I get a little more free time I'm gonna look into more complicated changes.
5 feb 2023: Some more dramatic CSS work, I think I'm starting to get the slightest feel for things. I in no way know what I'm doing yet, but I'm starting to notice a couple patterns here and there! Made a nature themed pixel wallpaper instead of the blank sheet of green it was before, played around a lot with the layout, added some decoration here and there; it's really starting to come together!!!
7 feb 2023: Minor changes here and there yeterday and today. Added boarders to my text boxes, started formatting my 404 page, etc etc. I've been busy so there's not really a lot to report.

1 apr 2023: It's been a bit! changed some text around, tweaked the 404 page a little, and started work on an about page. plus some other minor tweaks here and there.

14 may 2023: A few minor tweaks, plus added a new page "dream closet" where I'm gonna plan some oufits and build up a wishlist. It's a purely personal webpage that I'll use a lot in my day-to-day life. This is my house I should probably start putting my stuff here lol.
15 may 2023: I accidentally deleted all my pages except the index. Thankfully I had backups ready. There was lots of experiementing that didn't really lead anywhere. Good thing is I added a music player with a few songs. Bad thing is I can't figure out why my background isn't loading anymore. I might do more tomorrow, but for now I need sleep (and to learn more).
17 may 2023: Fixed the background and images, still not sure why my font isn't showing anymore. Added a couple more songs too. Starting to think I'm leaving too many small updates lol. Might do longer month updates and have a seperate place that tells when I was last here tinkering; we'll see I guess?

14 sep 2023: Finally fixed the font!!!!!! I've tried to sit down and do it quite a few times over the past 4 months but could never figure it out before having to go do irl things. I haven't abandoned this project (at all. I think of this almost daily), but have decided I need a better foundation of knowledge so I've been slowly teaching myself how to use my laptop's terminal and will be building up knowledge from there once I feel like ive really mastered it. It's slow going but I want to really know what I'm doing and not just looking up tutorials for every update I want to make here. Once I move onto HTML I bet there will be way more updates here lmao. OK that's all for now, bye bye!!!
15 sep 2023: Added some sparkles to the mouse (but I can't figure out how to change the cursor). I also tweaked the layout a little bit and added a few new spaces for me to play around with (currently labled as "stats" and "recommendations") that I will flesh out a bit more in the future. Been doing a little behind the scenes work on a couple new pages as well. Probably gonna have a blog page up and running next!
16 sep 2023: I spent some time updating the layout a bit more, plus added a third webpage called 'logbook' to store/organize all my old update messages (they were getting to be quite a lot). I've read up a bit on blinkies and started experimenting with a few. Right now I have one for my tumblr and a few for this website, but I'm planning on making more soon! Other than a few minor tweaks to the code and a couple gifs here and there I think that's about all for now :o)
21 sep 2023: Today I made a little 88x31 button so people could link my page if they want to! I also signed up for imood and a guestbook site, and added those to my layout. Not super happy with how they look though (with them both being opaque but everything else being translucent against the background), so I might have some more formatting in my future. At this point I'm starting to think everything would look better opaque, but I really do like showing off my background...Starting to think I should have planned my layout fully lol.

7 jan 2024: been poking and prodding here and there the past few months but progress is slow. i really just cant get the blog layout to look the way i want it to, and its kinda frustrating. i want to be able to WRITE the blog though, so i might end up soft launching it with the default theme ive been using for everything and then updating the layout when it's (finally) passable. idk yet i guess we'll see.
8 jan 2024: soft launching the blog! the actual css isn't ready yet but its my birthday and i wanna start the blog so fuck it.

1 feb 2024: built a library and started adding books. for now all of the links are to other websites, but i have some things downloaded on my computer that i would like to host, so i'll eventually get those up as well.

16 jul 2024: new diary entry! been gone for a while but im gonna try to get back with it!!

9 sep 2024: I got hit by a truck so I haven't really updated anything recently, but I made another blogpost, and am kinda starting to feel the coding bug coming, so we ll see if anything happens between doctor appointments.